Meet Our Team

Meet Our Team

Our people are at the core of the most authentic competitive advantage in the forging industry. It is our core principle to attract, train and retain some of the best people in our industry. We adhere to the model that experience is always secondary to character and utilizing our in house training programs gives our team members the skills they need to perform their job at the highest level. Plus our environment, team work management style and performance based incentives with benefits and profit sharing that are some of the best in the industry.

We understand that the quality of our products, services and customer service, is directly related to the quality of our people. Our organization is certified to industry safety and quality standards with a strong culture of continuous improvement. By hiring team members that thrive in this environment, we are able to continually disrupt the status quo and push the boundaries of our business and industry. All of this is ultimately to the benefit of our customers, team members and community.